I practice a faith that's been long abandoned,
Ain't no altars on this long, lonely road.
Bob Dylan
Technology has allowed us to connect with each other globally through the Internet, cell phone, and social media. Through Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter we share information, pictures, and the high points of our lives. It has also helped propel the recent protests and demonstrations; reminiscent of the Sixties and Seventies.
The downside of social media, although, we are seemingly connected, is that we are isolated, and lonelier than ever. Social media connects us socially; but it is often superficial and a tool of escapism. Our nature as human beings is to belong and connect with one another. Nothing can replace that one on one interaction and intimacy that we need and crave.
Kat Ascharya wrote in her article "What Facebook is Doing to Your Brain is Kind of Shocking" said,
"I have plenty of friends on Facebook and Twitter and close relationships with family and loved ones, but the barrage of chats, likes and tweets don't do much to assuage that piercing, sharp sadness of loneliness. In fact, it makes me feel just a bit more forlorn."
We can make better choices by spending less time on social media and reaching out to people one on one. Technology has connected us in many positive ways, but it can also disconnect us socially, emotionally, psychologically, and mentally.
Credits: 2machines.com
You Tube Video- Social Media Obesity and Loneliness | Galya Westler | TEDxStanleyPark TedxTalks
Technology make our life easy. We can connect people easily by using technology but on the other hand Social bonding being weak. People feeling Lonely And they begin to suffer from Depression